7 Tips for Managing Emotions More Effectively.

Detaching from your emotions can be a complex process, as emotions are a fundamental part of human experience. While it may not be entirely possible to detach completely from your emotions, you can learn to manage them more effectively and create a healthy distance when necessary. Here are some strategies to help you develop emotionalContinue reading “7 Tips for Managing Emotions More Effectively.”

8 Steps For Finding Clarity and Direction in Life…

Finding clarity and direction in life is a deeply personal journey, and the process can vary from person to person. However, here are some general steps you can take to help you gain clarity and find direction: Remember, finding clarity and direction is an ongoing process. It’s okay to explore different paths and make adjustmentsContinue reading “8 Steps For Finding Clarity and Direction in Life…”

This is How Meditation “Lets Go” of Negative Thoughts

There’s so much confusion about what mindfulness means. In the movie “The Tax Collector”, with Shia LaBeou, his cousin thinks mindfulness has something to do with the devil. As a Latino, this is funny because some of our parents and grandparents believe it is some type of evil worship. But mindfulness simply means snapping outContinue reading “This is How Meditation “Lets Go” of Negative Thoughts”

What Life Balance Really Means…

“I don’t have time to take care of myself”, was the same excuse I heard from hundreds of clients. You could see the tension in their faces, the way they carried themselves, the constant muscle pain… We’ve been conditioned to think that selfcare is selfish which makes no sense since when we feel good weContinue reading “What Life Balance Really Means…”