
Who is Johnny Martinez

After completing one of the only coaching certification programs approved by the National Board of Health & Wellness and reading dozens of books on the mind from psychology to biology and even some spirituality, I created a simple 4 step framework to Optimize Performance and Wellbeing.

About 2 decades ago I discovered the power massage therapy (mt) had for reducing pain. After a few years of practicing mt I realized that most of our pain and stress came from negative thoughts and behavior patterns that were often learned. But could be unlearned by simply learning new things and having new experiences…

My own transformation story started at age 27 when I found my calling to help heal others. Previously I overcame an abusive childhood, completed military service, and learned about relationships the hard way through bad choices in my early adult years. It was only after experiencing several excruciating back injuries and discovering the miracle of massage therapy, that I began to turn my life around and started the journey to become the successful healer I am today.

An advocate of lifelong learning, I love exploring new things that challenge me to become a better, stronger person. I’m an avid reader of self-development. When I’m not reading i’m usually working out or practicing Muay Thai. Part of my ‘Why’ and inspiration comes from making up for past regrets and trying to be a better role model to my adult children, Johnny Angel and Jasmine.

The other part comes from curiosity. I’ve come a long way from where I started which has me excited to see what else I can do…

My Mission: To teach people what it truly means to thrive and how simple it is to do. My philosophy: Peace of mind is a rational process.

Optimal wellbeing is no longer some elusive fantasy, it has a very simple and practical process anyone can implement.